The government of Tamil Nadu has offered a $1-million reward for anyone who can decode the cryptic script of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), one of the world’s oldest urban cultures. Chief Minister M.K. Stalin made the announcement as a follow-up to a new study suggesting striking similarities between symbols in the Indus script and those in ancient Tamil pottery.

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, flourished 5,000 years ago in the fertile plains of the Indus in what is now present-day northwest India and Pakistan. Characterized by sophisticated urban planning and commercial networks, the civilization left a script that, for over a century, has resisted all efforts at deciphering by scholars.
The mysterious script, comprising about 4,000 inscriptions, occurs almost exclusively on seals, pottery, and tablets. Most inscriptions are short, between five and six symbols, and the longest known inscription contains 34 symbols. The fact that the script is short, combined with the absence of longer inscriptions or bilingual artifacts, like the famous Rosetta Stone, has proven to be an obstacle for researchers.
The script of the Indus first came to international attention in 1875 when an Indus seal, discovered by the British archaeologist Sir Alexander Cunningham, was published. Since then, a variety of hypotheses have been proposed, attributing the script to a Dravidian language, early Brahmi, an early Indo-Aryan language, and even Sumerian, but none has gained universal acceptance.

Renowned Indologist Asko Parpola has characterized the script of the Indus as “the most important system of writing that is undeciphered.” Despite breakthroughs in linguistics and archaeology, its language, use, and meaning have yet to be understood.
Recent studies have hinted at the script having a connection with Tamil Nadu’s early graffiti markings. Researchers K. Rajan and R. Sivananthan compared over 14,000 ceramic sherds of Tamil Nadu and discovered similarities with the Indus script. According to them, 60% of the signs showed a match, suggesting a potential cultural contact between southern India and the Indus Valley.
The prize announcement renewed worldwide interest, with computer scientists, engineers, and linguists putting forward claims. Researchers such as Nisha Yadav at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research have been applying machine learning to analyze script patterns. However, some experts doubt whether machine learning can actually break the script’s code.
Decoding the Indus script, if successful, will reveal information about governance, trade habits, and the beliefs of the Indus Valley Civilization. Tamil Nadu’s reward also reflects the state’s attempt to highlight its cultural heritage and attach it to one of history’s most mysterious civilizations.
This doesn’t make any sense, you want someone to decipher what the meaning of these letters, words or pictures are. Nothing has meaning except what we give it. They don’t mean anything and a person can not decipher them. A person can give meaning to it and have everyone agree as to the new meaning. Just look at our own language, no word means the same thing to everybody. So for the million dollars you are not asking someone to decipher the words or letters, you are asking someone to make you believe they have come up with the meaning. The meaning of anything only takes two to Agree as to what something means. So just say what it means and that’s the new meaning moving forward.
I believe this is showing the early method of kosher butchering methods. The proper way to break down and animal to harvest .
This seems to be mold to make clay toys for childrens.
Cow buffalo and elephant with ornaments along.
Such toys might be used to decorate too
If discover the indus script meaning,where sent the report.
Please give the authentic address.
How do I get the decoding validated if no one knows the language. Anyway it is a post/notice of available working animals for barter/trade. 1 hours one ox one elephant the vertical dashs are the number of available animals and the shape that looks like 2 F’s are the type of work they are able to do. Field work plowing mostly and re location/hauling.
One of the symbols is the owners insignia/brand. It would be branded on the animal and on the owner’s establishment.
Or it could be a work order/ purchase order/agreement for the type of work done and the amount of days used needed or available. It’s for a business 100% but not 100% on the purpose the document serves wether it’s advertising,work order,or prof of purchase.
There’s a horse ,a helmet, a bridel. And a horness
there is a possibility to be
Ka (க / क / கா / का) – In Dravidian and Sanskrit, “Ka” can relate to water (Tamil: “kaṇ” கண் = eye, water source) or a divine concept (Sanskrit: “Ka” = a name for Brahma).
2. Na (ந / न / ना) – Often associated with negation (Sanskrit: “na” = not) or a person’s name prefix (Tamil: “Nāyan” = leader, protector).
3. Dha (த / ध / धा) – In Sanskrit, “Dha” relates to holding or sustaining (धार = Dharā, earth). In Dravidian, “Dha” can also mean a place or an act.
4. Ya (ய / य / या) – In Sanskrit, “Ya” is linked to movement or connection (यति = Yati, ascetic). In Tamil, “Ya” is often used in names and honorifics.
5. Ma (ம / म / मा) – A very ancient root meaning mother (Sanskrit: “Mātā”, Tamil: “Amma”). It is also found in the names of rulers and deities (like “Mahā” meaning great).
Step 2: Possible Meaning Based on This Sequence
A speculative interpretation could be:
“Ka-na-dha-ya-ma” → “Great Protector of Water and Earth”
This might refer to a ruler, a deity, or a guardian figure. Since the seal shows a central human figure (possibly a shaman, priest, or proto-Shiva) flanked by two animals, it could symbolize divine authority, protection, or balance.
The presence of “Dha” (sustaining, holding) and “Ma” (great, mother) could suggest a deity connected to fertility or cosmic balance.
Tamil Nadu government. This pictures is about pet wild animals. In simple and less words, after a time indus valley needs some strong worker and security like wilds so they start taming wild animals for eg horse they made a plan that how to capture or tame a horse now in this picture we hardly see that but there are 3 different picture firstly. A big horse leash by rope and had been captured. (Focus on the tail, it shows this is a horse) in upper right side on there is a horse with 4 legs and 4 men’s standing in corners and in just left side picture they all are in face side of horse means they captured the horse. But real question is why the make this. Ans is, for there new generation 2nd question is. Where are the horse’s fosils.ans Indus vally people eat the dead animals and the bones were use in tools but they didn’t master the taming of animals because of there food, control, agression so they skip the plan and after the civilisation were end . Money is not important but I crack this code very clearly but the main issue is language and explaination I can’t explain you by text but you can call me
How do someone call you.
Hi, this isn’t writing.its hieroglyphs. These were produced as art they hang on the wall they casted alot of them .they were also traded and gifted.
Each one tells a history of the anmail show as the main the elephant story about humans learning to ride elephant.the horse shows wolf’s hunting there horses.
In other words they hit a brick wall and to no avail no one they know can decipher their directions on when to plant corn. Sheesh I love Michigan no ifs no ands no buts.
I think it’s talking about using a horse for farming and the stuff needed(plow, saplings, etc…)
Are you not aware that Yajna Devam has not only successfully deciphered the Indus script, adequately translating over a thousand inscriptions, but also confirmed it by showing by epigraphic evidence its evolution into the Brahmi script? Just because it has not been accepted by certain scholars is not a reason to reject it. Study his publication for yourself and you will be able to see how he did it:
Allan M. Keislar, Ph.D. (South and Southeast Asian Studies, U. C. Berkeley)
This can be based on ability of animals. Not about wild animals or.. pet animals.
Like as strong as a elephant, or as brave as a bull.
Earlier kings used to give warnings about fights to toger kings in symbols to animals
For example-
A king x send a letter to king y.
In letter there was image of a fish, a deer and a bird
King y thought the message meant peace and harmony
The same night The kingdom got destroyed due to war from king x.
The letter truly meant
“You csn either swim away like a fish. Run away like a deer. Or fly away like a bird
But you can’t be saved.”
So, this simple story means that the civilization had a bit conflicts decoding the letters made by symbols
Hi! It is about a funerary ritual concerning animal deities. It is a number of stages performed by an important deceased person, in his quest for paradise. The mosaic is an orientative map of the Far Beyond. The process is supervised by other assisting gods. Mayan and Egyptian motives may be related, in spite of their different datations.
It’s obviously creation narrative -Genesis the large double bar “Ť” is artillery the symbol for God (Most High, Creator) in Chinese.
I think it is a way to show the deceased person a route to the other world. It shows animal deities and auxiliary gods which supervise the process. These engravings are possibly related to Egypt and the Mesoamerican world. The pattern is very fixed.
The number of animals seen in the photo is the symbol of the Sindh Valley, so all the kings of Tamil have had a special respect for these animals, especially the respect for the cow and the tiger.
It’s a number 106285 each number is a Letter starting with a capital Q count 6 tally marks forward to the next Letter W count 2 tally forward Y the next number is 6 letter following is F subtract 4 tally marks add 3 tally marks
I can only say that the middle inscription showing the cow means that they hunted the cow for food and other uses, most of the symbols are like spears. If you want more information for decoding, please contact me.
I believe it to be an advertisement of a circus or similar event or a market
Like i said before they are farmers they are showing what kind of harness and plow farming animals and tools
There was one tile, that depicted a love marriage as there were three types. One was arranged, one was partially arranged and the last one was for love. The middle person in the tile is a minister of sorts, he would be the Thirteenth Doctor. Prem and Umbreem were the two images on each side of the tile. The open arms represents the passion between the two people as if it were a marriage of arrangement, the positioning of the arms and hands would be far less loving.
I believe the first marriage documented was in the 3300 b.c. era. There was one other I believe I read but that dealt with demigods therefore there would be no priest or “thirteenth doctor”.
1 and 3 go together
This website is very good 💯
This is a simple one what is the contact info to submit?